Sid Chambless |
Sid Chambless at Nashville Capital Network (NCN) says the group will soon launch "Angel Office Hours" for entrepreneurs. The program will offer startup chiefs straight talk they can't get from family and friends, before they take their baby businesses in to see investors. A similar program was recently launched by Innova in Memphis.
Noro-Moseley, the Atlanta-based VC that's active in Nashville, made its first investment in Arkansas, supporting e-retailer Acumen Holdings.
Singer, M.D. |
Waterstone, custom guitars made by a firm launched six years ago by Vanderbilt neurosurgeon Robert Singer (at right), sells about 200 instruments a year, says the House Organ. Waterstone Music Instruments' offices are in Marathon Village. It's a labor of love for the physician, who personally owns about 85 guitars.
The Amazon.com investment for two facilities in Chattanooga is a done deal, according to a release this morning from Gov. Phil Bredesen joined ECD Commissioner Matt Kisber. The release will probably be posted at ECD, later. Earlier related coverage.
That Volkswagen sedan to be made in Chattanooga will get a name 9 January, says the Times Free Press.
Another business incubator sprouting in Bradley County, says the TFP, with a related story here.
Venture Capital in Louisville: There are now 24 investment firms in the Kentucky city, plus an active VentureClub, says the Courier Journal. VNC [Visit the previous edition of NewsBits here.]